Leadership 2.0

Visionary, Collaborator, Motivator, Great Communicator, Culture-Creator, Uniter, Coach, Mentor, and the list goes on. Today’s leader must understand their specific roles based upon their teams needs to ensure a mutually defined roadmap leading to outstanding results. Gaining and sharpening these skills will build a foundation of trust, integrity and empowerment as a measure of success.


  • Define Leadership, Professionalism and Team Development
    • Describe the importance of successful leadership
    • People manager vs. Process Manager – Answer the 6 relevant questions of your team
    • Describe Integrity – Build a “practice what you preach” culture
  • Visionary Leadership
    • What does it look like? Is there alignment with the E.D.G.E. mantra and philosophy?
    • Understand the Future Vision assessment – Be the Future, Go Backwards, and Take Action.
    • Identify key measurable for team development and collaboration
  • Influencing Buy-in through Persuasion
    • Describe and apply the 6 different Influencing and Persuasion strategies
    • Get others to adapt, Endorse, and Advance Your Agenda
    • Learn how to utilize your most important resource – Your team
  • Collaboration and Empowerment
    • Craft a message that will inspire and encourage the team to excel
    • Tailor your message to the intended audience so that it resonates
    • Leverage the 6 Thinking Hats to promote collaboration, consistency and unity
  • Situational Leadership
    • Understand the 4 development levels
    • Describe the leadership role needed at each level
    • Generate an action plan to create a path of success
  • Coaching and Counseling
    • Learn that great coaches do not have great answers, great coaches have great questions
    • Learn how to practice and deliver the G.R.O.W. model of coaching
  • Change Management
    • Learn about the change curve and what it means to your team and/or the situation
    • Understand the differences between change within a team and within an individual
    • Create a communication strategy and what role you can play in managing the change effectively and efficiently